"The rhymes brought attention, then rumors, then a denial in the July issue of Black Men magazine that reads remarkably like Bill Clinton’s infamous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement: “I don’t date women and I don’t have sex with women.” Nicki Lewinsky laughs at the resemblance and adds almost tauntingly, “But I don’t date men either.” Her bottom line: No labels. “People who like me -- they’ll listen to my music, and they’ll know who I am. I just don’t like that people want you to say what you are, who you are. I just am. I do what the fuck I want to do.” She likes to beckon ladies to the stage at her shows, brandishing a marker for sweaty boob-signing sessions, but 95% of her racy lyrics are about encounters with men. Adding that she’ll grab her best friend’s breasts for fun far from paparazzi cameras, she says, “The point is, everyone is not black and white. There are so many shades in the middle, and you’ve got to let people feel comfortable with saying what they want to say when they want to say it. I don’t want to feel like I’ve got the gun pointed at my head and you’re about to pull the trigger if I don’t say what you want to hear. I just want to be me and do me.
...She first learned of her gay male following when she spied fans’ spot-on renditions of her verses on the Web. She was blown away by the replications of her voices and mannerisms. “If a gay guy impersonates you, you are a bad bitch. Period,” she says, waving her bright-orange nails in the air. “There are no ifs, ands, or buts, because they only impersonate the best.”

Check out the rest of the article HERE
I love it !