That first pic is PRICELESS, ain't it? Never let it be said that false lashes are comfortable!! Anyhoo, these pics are from a charity drag show I did at my school last Spring and in the title are my various drag stage names. For those of you who don't recognize who I performed as (which is most of you), I was funk singer Betty Davis performing Joi's remake of her song "If I'm In Luck (I Just Might Get Picked Up)"

This was my first drag show and I remember I practiced a routine for this song almost every night until the day of the show. As soon as I got on stage though....POOF. I forgot about 90% of my routine. Everything after the first 30 seconds was freestyled. I gyrated, sashayed and shook my androgynous/boyish looking ass all over that auditorium!! While the performance may not have been everything I wanted it to be it was every bit of FUN that I needed it to be. Plus I got a great pair of platform boots and some daisy dukes that I STILL wear around my house (I paid too much money not to wear those!!) LoL. Here's some more pics of "Darling Nikki" below.


HOTTIE!! I like that fro