The comic focuses on a military-like squad of the X-Men that was put together by X-Men leader ,Cyclops. The team consists of Wolfsbane, Archangel, Warpath, Domino, X-23, Vanisher, Elixir and Wolverine. What sets them apart from other branches of the X-Men is that they function solely as a black-ops offensive team against threats to the mutant race. In other words, they are Cyclops' personal murder squad and they do their job ooooh so well. Blood, claws, bullets, disembowlements and decapitation ABOUND in this series. But what's even better is that writers Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost create great tension with their writing that evokes real emotion surrounding death, leadership, unity and friendship. Artists Mike Choi & Sonia Oback and Clayton Crain (ESPECIALLY CRAIN) provide amazing imagery to give visual life to Yost and Kyle's words. X-Force is without a doubt a great read. Get into it...ya Geeks!


So...THere already!!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOO MARVEL!!!!!!!